The patients in the following categories are entitled to NHS Chriopody services:
- Diabetes.
- Rheumatoid arthritis.
- Severe Peripheral vascular disease.
- Blood disorders.
- Neurological dysfunction.
- Medications.
- School children under the age of 18 years.
- Physical disability of hands.
- Connective tissue disorders.
- Dermatological disorders.
- Hip or knee joint replacements.
- Operations on backs.
- Nail surgical procedures.
- Severe, longstanding foot pathology.
Comunity Mental Health Nursing and Psychology
The Emotional Well being Service in Stafford provides counselling and a range of other services to treat mental health problems. The practice also has a clinical psychologist. Referral to both of these services is via your GP.
District Nursing
District Nursing Services include:
- Nursing care for people with acute chronic conditions.
- Nursing care for people with terminal illness.
- Promotion of continence.
- Advice, counselling, teaching, support to patients, families,
carers and staff from other agencies. - Health Promotion.
The District Nurses work within a larger team of District Nurses based at the Health Centre. You may well meet other members of the team during the period that you require nursing care or a number of specialist nurses who you may be referred to by the nurse or your doctor.
The District Nurses work 365 days per year.
Health Visitor
Health Visitors cover all our surgeries Monday to Friday. To contact the Health Visitor, please use the telephone number found on our Useful Contacts page.
Health Visitors are registered nurses who have undertaken further training in prevention of ill health and disability, promotion of healthy lifestyles, child health development and parenting skills. They work with individuals and with groups to include :-
- Health screen services.
- Health surveillance.
- Advice and support on health issues.
- Health promotion.
- Referral and liaison in agreement with you to other service agencies.
- Public Health Services.
Occupational Therapy
Our Occupational Therapist is involved with assessment of people who, due to physical disability have difficulty performing day to day activities. Assessment often takes place in the home. They will advise and arrange supply of aids and appliances needed to help people live independently. Referral to this service is required from your GP.
The physiotherapist deals with muscle and joint problems e.g.back pain, arthritis, injuries etc. They may use a variety of treatments including manipulation and acupuncture. An important part of treatment is giving advice and exercise "homework" to prevent or reduce future problems. Access to the physiotherapist is via your GP.
School Health Service
Each school in Mid Staffordshire has a named school nurse who regularly visits the school. The school nurse works closely with the staff at the Health Centre and your doctor as required.
Social Work
The Health Centre's social worker is here every Monday between 9.30am to 12.30pm. They are able to give help and advice on a range of areas.
Speech Therapy
Our Speech Therapist is involved in assessment and treatment of children with speech delay and speech disorders. They also deal with adult speech problems which may result from strokes, surgery etc. You need to be referred via your GP or Health Visitor.