Weeping Cross telephone 01785 662 505
Beaconside telephone 01785 214 424
John Amery telephone 01785 252 244

Information for Carers

Are You a Carer?

Are you a carer or cared for? Do you care for someone who could not manage without you or are you someone that is cared for?

It is important that carers stay as fit and healthy as possible. We want to help carers however we can only do this if you let us know you are a carer and register yourself as a carer using the Carer Registration Form (see below).

Under NHS regulations all GPs are required to compile a register of carers. This identifies carers and their needs so that support can be offered when needed if you care for a relative, friend or neighbour who is dependent on that help. The person being cared for may be handicapped, have a debilitating physical or mental illness or be in frail health and can be any age.

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Register with us as a Carer

We may be able to help you and ensure that your own health needs are met in the most appropriate way. To do this please register with us as a carer:

  • Pick up the form at reception and complete it there.

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Why are Carers so Important?

Carers provide a great deal of hidden support and care to a huge number of vulnerable, disabled or older people. In addition to this, it is worth noting that there is growing number of young carers. These are generally children and people who are caring for a relative at home. Without this care, the burden to the NHS and Social Services would increase enormously.

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Why do we want to identify Carers?

As a Practice we are committed to identifying and recording carers so that we can:

  • Help to support carers in our  local community
  • Reduce the risks of carer related illnesses
  • Provide support Care for the Carers

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How will we identify Carers?

Our surgery has developed a range of methods to identify carers, these include:

  • Via New Patient Registration Forms
  • Carer Registration Forms and posters at reception and on our website
  • Carers Information on notice boards
  • Information on the practice website and links to registration forms and support
  • GPs and Nurses opportunistically identifying a Carer during a consultation
  • Reception staff opportunistically identifying  a Carer though a conversation with a Patient
  • Carers campaigns and events
  • Working in partnership with Care for the Carers; the local Carers Centre

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Active Carers Register

We will ensure that our Carers Register is kept up to date and accurate. We ask all carers to let us know of any changes to their caring role as soon as possible. We use the Carers Register as a mechanism for recording the number of patients who have a caring role and we endeavour to work proactively ensuring that the patient's health is not disadvantaged by their caring role, this includes:

  • Promoting annual flu vaccinations to carers
  • Contacting carers to seek their views on our services (where consent is in place)
  • Ensuring all carer's records are clearly marked so that it's easy for our Receptionist to identify when a patient might need a flexible appointment time or home visit.

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Useful Contacts

The Carers Health Organisations section on this website has lots of useful links to help you.